Technical Review No 268, August 2024

Technical Review is the AWRI’s own technical publication, which includes updates on AWRI research, development and extension and a curated selection of recommended current grape and wine literature from around the world.

Use the Current Literature tabs below to navigate between categories. Articles that are available online are linked directly to publishers’ websites where you can read the full-text versions. Articles that are not available online can be requested from the AWRI library by Australian winemakers and grapegrowers who pay the Wine Grapes or Grape Research levies. Log in to browse abstracts and use ‘Add to your cart’ to request a copy of specific articles from the AWRI Library.

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  • Accurate measurement of sulfhydryls and TCEP-releasable sulfhydryls in the liquid phase of wine that contribute to ‘reductive’ aromas using LC-MS/MS [Read full-text online] Heliyon
  • Adaptation during the transition from Ophiocordyceps entomopathogen to insect associate is accompanied by gene loss and intensified selection [Read full-text online] bioRxiv
  • Amelioration of smoke taint in wine via addition of molecularly imprinted polymers during or after fermentation [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Ask the AWRI: Calcium oxalate deposits – kidney stones in wine? [Read full-text online] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Ask the AWRI: Crown gall in Australian vineyards [Read full-text online] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Biomimetic bacterium-like particles loaded with aggregation-induced emission photosensitizers as plasma coatings for implant-associated infections [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] ACS: Applied Materials & Interfaces
  • Bourboulenc [Read full-text online] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Comparison of techniques for the quantitation of reductive aroma compounds in white wine: links to sensory analysis and Cu fractions [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Counoise [Read full-text online] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Desarrollo de levaduras híbridas Saccharomyces cerevisiae x Saccharomyces mikatae y su potencial para producir estilos alternativos de vino [Read full text online] La Semana Vitivinícola
  • Enhancing fermentation performance through the reutilisation of wine yeast lees [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Evaluation of fungicides for management of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with dieback in Australian walnut orchards [Read full-text online] Phytopathologia Mediterranea
  • Exogenous application of double-stranded RNA to reduce grapevine Pinot gris virus titre in in vitro grown Vitis vinifera [Read full-text online] Vitis
  • How do Syrah winemakers from two different French regions conceptualise peppery wines? [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Inhibition of human starch digesting enzymes and intestinal glucose transport by walnut polyphenols [Read full-text online] Food Research International
  • NOLO wine – laying the groundwork for big steps forward [Read full-text online] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Prevalence of wildfire smoke exposure markers in oaked commercial wine. [Read full-text online] American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Recombination, admixture and genome instability shape the genomic landscape of Saccharomyces cerevisiae derived from spontaneous grape ferments [Read full-text online] PLOS Genetics
  • Scale insect and mealybug pests – applying new technologies to long-standing problems [Read full-text online] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Sensitivity of Plasmopara viticola to selected fungicide groups and the occurrence of the G143A mutant in Australian grapevine isolates [Read full-text online] Pest Management Science
  • Smoky characters in wine: Distinctive flavor or taint? [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • The future of wine packaging – A perspective [Read full-text online] Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
  • The influences of rootstock on the performance of Pinot Noir (Vitis vinifera L.): Phenological progress, physiological performance, and petiole nutrient status [Read full-text online] Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  • The latest research on grapevine virology. Highlights of the 20th International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine meeting [Read full-text online] Wine & Viticulture Journal


Analysis, composition and quality control


Packaging, storage and transport


Stability, hazes and deposits

Taints and faults

Winemaking practices

Analysis, composition and quality control

  • A test-tube vinification method for high-throughput characterisation of the oenological and aromatic potential of white wines [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Advances in the application of direct injection mass spectrometry techniques to the analysis of grape, wine and other alcoholic beverages [Read full-text online] Molecules
  • Advancing grape chemical analysis through machine learning and multi-sensor spectroscopy [Read full-text online] Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
  • Analysis of pyranoanthocyanins, polymeric pigments and colour parameters in Port wines [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Application of 1H NMR metabolomics analysis to sparkling wines aged with different types of sugar added to the liqueur de dosage [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
  • Application of white-wine-pomace-derived ingredients in extending storage stability of fresh pork burgers [Read full-text online] Foods
  • Astringency perception in a red wine context – a review [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Characterisation and extractability of tannins in Pinot noir grape skin, seed, and stem: Impact of leaf removal, clone, and rootstock [Read full-text online] Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
  • Characterization of mannoprotein structural diversity in wine yeast species [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Chemical and electrochemical assessment of wine lees extracts tested as novel antioxidant additives in model wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Chemical stability of thiol and flavanol sulfonation products during wine aging conditions [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Comparative analysis of the evolution of phenolic profiles during wood aging of a Carménère wine using novel products or procedures aimed at re-using oak barrels [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Bioscience
  • Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry for the detailed qualitative analysis of old vine chenin blanc wine volatiles and comparison with young vine chenin blanc wines [Read full-text online] Journal of Chromatography Open
  • Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in Amarone wines: Influence of aging, withering, grape variety, and geographical origin [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Discrimination of maturity stages of Cabernet Sauvignon wine grapes using visible–near-infrared spectroscopy [Read full-text online] Foods
  • Enhancing anthocyanin extraction from wine lees: A comprehensive ultrasound-assisted optimization study [Read full-text online] Antioxidants
  • Establishment of an integrated nontarget and suspect screening workflow for organophosphate diesters (di-opes) and identification of seven previously unknown di-opes in food contact plastics [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Flavonoids as aglycones in retaining glycosidase-catalyzed reactions: Prospects for green chemistry [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Geochemical fingerprint and heavy metals assimilation on grapes from south Lessini (Italy) [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Wine Research
  • Impact of mannoproteins from different yeast species on wine properties [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Improvement and stabilization of red wine color [Book chapter] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Handbook on Natural Pigments in Food and Beverages
  • Influence of grape polysaccharide extracts on the phenolic compounds and color characteristics of different red wines [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Lab equipment: New technologies for winery and vineyard analyses [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Le point sur la rotundone [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Metabolomics of red wines aged traditionally, with chips or staves [Read full-text online] Foods
  • Phenolic composition of red and white wine byproducts from different grapevine cultivars from La Rioja (Spain) and how this is affected by the winemaking process [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Pouring over the data: Measuring analytical services options for wineries [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Red wine inspired chemistry: Hemisynthesis of procyanidin analogs and determination of their protein precipitation capacity, octanol–water partition, and stability in phosphate-buffered saline [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Red wines have thiols too [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Selective wine aroma enhancement through enzyme hydrolysis of glycosidic precursors [Read full-text online] Molecules
  • Sunburn and its relation to maturity and concentration of aromatic compounds in bush-trained Muscat of Alexandria vines [Read full-text online] American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • The effect of prolonged (150 days) post-fermentative maceration in steel tanks and oak barrels on Cabernet Sauvignon wine quality: mathematical modelization of the phenolic compounds’ behaviour [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Wine Research
  • The oxidative stability of Champagne base wines aged on lees in barrels: A 2-year study [Read full-text online] Antioxidants
  • Timing of leaf removal modulates tannin composition and the level of anthocyanins and methoxypyrazines in pinot noir grapes and wines [Read full-text online] Food Research International
  • Using non-Saccharomyces yeast to modify acidity during wine fermentations from Vitis hybrid grapes grown in a warm region [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] American Journal of Enology and Viticulture


  • A comparative study to investigate the individual contribution of metabolic and physical interaction on volatiles formation in the mixed fermentation of Torulaspora delbrueckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Microbiology
  • A comparison of microbiota isolation methods reveals habitat preferences for fermentative yeasts and plant pathogenic fungi in the grape berry [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Microbiology
  • Aroma features of Hanseniaspora vineae Hv205 wines in sequential and co-inoculation strategies [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • Bio-dealcoholization of wines: Can yeast make lighter wines? [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • Bioprospecting of a Metschnikowia pulcherrima indigenous strain for Chasselas winemaking in 2022 vintage [Read full-text online] Foods
  • Combined omics expose microbial niches of fungi and bacteria correlating with wine volatile profiles in douro wine region [Read full-text online] LWT
  • Competition for nitrogen resources: An explanation of the effects of a bioprotective strain Metschnikowia pulcherrima on the growth of Hanseniaspora genus in oenology [Read full-text online] Foods
  • Differences in the management of intracellular redox state between wine yeast species dictate their fermentation performances and metabolite production [Read abstract online] [Read full-text online] International Journal of Food Microbiology
  • Effect of new methods for inhibiting malolactic fermentation on the analytical and sensory parameters of wines [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • Effect of non-Saccharomyces species monocultures on alcoholic fermentation behavior and aromatic profile of Assyrtiko wine [Read full-text online] Applied Sciences
  • Evaluation of different nitrogen sources on growth and fermentation performance for enhancing ethanol production by wine yeasts [Read full-text online] Heliyon
  • Integration of machine learning models with microsatellite markers: New avenue in world grapevine germplasm characterization [Read full-text online] Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
  • Killer yeasts used as starter cultures to modulate the behavior of potential spoilage non-Saccharomyces yeasts during malbec wine fermentation [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Bioscience
  • Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, a versatile tool to drive malolactic fermentation [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Microaglomeración y biodisponibilidad de esteroles [Read full-text online] La Semana Vitivinícola
  • Microbes into wine. Understanding yeast diversity in and around wineries [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Natural alternatives to sulfur [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Nitrógeno asimilable y evaluación de riesgos microbiológicos en el vino [Read full-text online] La Semana Vitivinícola
  • Scaling up: Microbiome manipulation for climate change adaptation in large organic vineyards [Read full-text online] Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
  • Torulaspora delbrueckii improves organoleptic properties and promotes malolactic fermentation in carbonic maceration wines [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • Worm-powered innovation cleans up winery wastewater [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Yeast starter culture identification to produce of red wines with enhanced antioxidant content [Read full-text online] Foods

Packaging, storage and transport


  • An exploration of consumer perceptions of sustainable wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Wine Research
  • Are peppery notes the main negative driver of liking for young French consumers in a Duras red wine made from a cool and wet season? [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Assessment of the volatile and non-volatile profile of Savatiano PGI wines as affected by various terroirs in Attica, Greece [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • Australian consumer perception of non-alcoholic beer, white wine, red wine, and spirits [Read full-text online] International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
  • Chemometric differentiation of white wines from a low-aromatic grape obtained by spontaneous fermentation, enriched with non-Saccharomyces, or with a high-glutathione-producing Saccharomyces yeast [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • Henschke Hill of Grace 1958-2018: A display of quality very rarely seen [Read full-text online] The World of Fine Wine
  • Is wine an emotional object? Measurements of the subjective and automatic components of emotions in a wine-tasting situation [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • New insights about sensory contribution of grape stems during winemaking: role of astilbin, a sweet polyphenol [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • NMR-based tastant polymer interaction studies and the influence on the taste perception of red wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Prediction of Shiraz wine flavour from volatile and odour intensity profiles [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Wine Research

Stability, hazes and deposits

  • Effects of post-fermentation addition of green tea extract for sulfur dioxide replacement on sauvignon blanc wine phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity, colour, and mouthfeel attributes [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry
  • Exploring the role of grape cell wall and yeast polysaccharides in the extraction and stabilisation of anthocyanins and tannins in red wines [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Interactions between Starmerella bacillaris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae during sequential fermentations influence the release of yeast mannoproteins and impact the protein stability of an unstable wine [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry
  • Plant-based alternative fining agents, with an option to avoid microplastic [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker

Taints and faults

  • A review of N-heterocycles: Mousy off-flavor in sour beer [Read abstract online] [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Aroma de humo en el vino: “smoke taint” [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Semana Vitivinícola
  • Della Toffola wins in-house evaluation of RO treatment systems for smoked wine remediation [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Evaluating the atypical aging potential development in sparkling wines can be achieved by assessing the base wines at the end of the alcoholic fermentation [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Hydrogen sulfide formation in canned wines: Variation among can sources [Read full-text online] American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Volatile organic compound-based predictive modeling of smoke taint in wine [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Winemaking practices

  • Botrytis und Schleimstoffe [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Das Deutsche Weinmagazin
  • Characterization of chemical and sensory properties of cabernet sauvignon and marselan wines made by flash détente technique [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • Complexity of the effects of pre-fermentation oxygenation, skin contact and use of pectolytic enzymes in white winemaking as revealed by comprehensive proteomics and volatilomics analysis [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Chemistry
  • Descriptive temporal sensory properties and volatile composition of Pinot noir wines produced with contrasting alcoholic fermentation temperatures and cap management regimes [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Effect of pre-fermentative treatments on polysaccharide composition of white and rosé musts and wines [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Exogenous C–S lyase enzyme, a potential tool to release aromas in wine or beer? [Read abstract online] [Read full-text online] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Experimental study of a sequential membrane process of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration for efficient polyphenol extraction from wine lees [Read full-text online] Membranes
  • Ils passent au tangentiel [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Improving the aging aroma profiles of Italian Riesling and Petit Verdot Wines: Impact of spontaneous and inoculated fermentation processes [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry: X
  • Influence of cryoextraction and cold pre-fermentative maceration on the yeast microbiota and the volatile compounds profile of Sangiovese wine [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • La préservation aromatique, le véritable enjeu de la désalcoolisation [Read full-text online] Revue Française d’Œnologie
  • Les technologies de réduction d’alcool dans le vin, les marchés et les réglementations associés [Read full-text online] Revue Française d’Œnologie
  • Un filtre tout-terrain [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Understanding yeast hyration, propagation and expansion, plus some useful equipment [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Une nouvelle approche qualitative de la désalcoolisation partielle des vins par la méthode flash-détente [Read full-text online] Revue Française d’Œnologie
  • Varietal focus: Pinot Noir from Hallberg Vineyard [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Wine acidification methods: a review [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal


  • Advancing the industrial sector energy transition with hybrid solar systems: Evaluation of small winemaking in Ecuador [Read full-text online] Engineering Proceedings
  • Bioactive components, applications, extractions, and health benefits of winery by-products from a circular bioeconomy perspective: A review [Read full-text online] Antioxidants
  • Case studies on sustainability-oriented innovations and smart farming technologies in the wine industry: A comparative analysis of pilots in Cyprus and Italy [Read full-text online] Agronomy
  • Decarbonising wine: Wineries seek ‘clean and clever’ energy solutions [Read full-text online] New Zealand Winegrower
  • Development of an open-source carbon footprint calculator of the UK craft brewing value chain [Read full-text online] Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Obtaining value from wine wastes: Paving the way for sustainable development [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • Shopping sustainably [Request copy from AWRI Library] Halliday
  • Valorisation du CO2 fermentaire: Pour une oenologie de précision plus naturelle et durable [Request copy from AWRI Library] Revue des Oenologues



Climate and weather


Grapevine nutrition

Grapevine varieties

Pests, disease and virus


Soil management

Vineyard practices

Water and irrgation


Climate and weather

  • Adapting water and soil management to climate change [Read full-text online] Sustainability
  • Climate change and the Australian mix of winegrape varieties [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Millésime 2023. Chaud, précoce et sec, caractérisé par une adaptation constante des pratiques. [Request copy from AWRI Library] Revue des Oenologues
  • Monofilament shading nets improved water use efficiency on high-temperature days in grapevines subjected to hyperarid conditions [Read full-text online] Horticulturae
  • Phenotypical plasticity and behaviour of Malbec, Merlot and Pinot Noir grape berry colour in response to climate change [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Sensory and aroma impact of mitigation strategies against sunburn in Riesling [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Ten years of hourly canopy temperature monitoring in cool climate vineyards of the Macedon Ranges [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Thirty years of climate change research: A fine-grained analysis of geographical specialization [Read full-text online] Environmental Science & Policy
  • Viticultural climate indexes and their role in the prediction of anthocyanins and other flavonoids content in seedless table grapes [Read full-text online] Horticulturae


  • Denominación de Origen: ¿Es posible identificar diferencias biogeográficas en las levaduras del viñedo mediante imágenes de satélite? [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Semana Vitivinícola
  • Emerging roles of epigenetics in grapevine and winegrowing [Read full-text online] Plants
  • Granite: Rock of grandeur, rock of ages [Read full-text online] The World of Fine Wine
  • Growers turn to alternative vineyard posts in the name of sustainability and durability [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker

Grapevine nutrition

  • Don’t be salty: How irrigation, soil health and climate affect vineyard salinity [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly

Grapevine varieties

Pests, diseases and virus

  • A cloud-based deep learning framework for downy mildew detection in viticulture using real-time image acquisition from embedded devices and drones [Read full-text online] Information
  • Breakthrough glove swab sampling method for powdery mildew [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Fungal endophytes: Discovering what lies within some of Canada’s oldest and most resilient grapevines [Read full-text online] Journal of Fungi
  • Grapevine trunk diseases in Greece: Disease incidence and fungi involved in discrete geographical zones and varieties [Read full-text online] Journal of Fungi
  • Les nouvelles variétés résistantes, une nouvelle relation durable ? [Request copy from AWRI Library] Revue des Oenologues
  • Powdery mildew field day [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Transmission of grapevine red blotch virus: A virologist’s perspective of the literature and a few recommendations [Read full-text online] American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Un nouvel indicateur de risque des épidémies du mildiou de la vigne. Détecter les pathogènes avant l’apparition des symptômes [Request copy from AWRI Library] Revue des Oenologues
  • Viral diseases of field and horticultural crops [eBook] [Read abstract online] [Access copy from AWRI Library] Academic Press


  • Effects of long-term high temperatures in the root zone on the physiological characteristics of grapevine leaves and roots: Implications for viticulture practices [Read full-text online] Horticulturae
  • The role of terroir on the ripening traits of V. vinifera cv ‘Glera’ in the Prosecco area [Read full-text online] Plants

Soil management

  • Electric weed control: a new weed management option [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Long-term effects of biochar on soil chemistry, biochemistry, and microbiota: Results from a 10-year field vineyard experiment [Read full-text online] Applied Soil Ecology
  • The health of vineyard soils: Towards a sustainable viticulture [Read full-text online] Horticulturae

Vineyard practices

Water and irrgation

  • Addressing water stress and climate variability in the Mediterranean: Study of regulated deficit Irrigation (RDI) and non-irrigation (NI) in Tempranillo and Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) [Read full-text online] Agriculture
  • Drought response and recovery mechanisms of grapevine rootstocks grafted to a common Vitis vinifera scion [Read full-text online] Plant Stress
  • Grape ripening and phenolic content monitoring in Cabernet Sauvignon under regulated deficit irrigation using spectral reflectance indices [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Scientia Horticulturae
  • Optimizing deficit irrigation in Monastrell vines grafted on rootstocks of different vigour under semi-arid conditions [Read full-text online] Agricultural Water Management
  • Respuesta hídrica y fisiológica del cv. Verdejo al deshojado temprano, en condiciones hídricas poco limitantes, en diferentes momentos del día [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Semana Vitivinícola


  • A curious tale of wine labelling: how the colour of a wine label influences purchase intention [Read full-text online] Journal of Wine Research
  • Balancing gains and losses—A research note on tradeoffs in the case of non-alcoholic wines in Germany [Read full-text online] Sustainability
  • Can alternative wine networks foster sustainable business model innovation and value creation? The case of organic and biodynamic wine in Tuscany [Read full-text online] Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
  • Let’s drink to that! How wider glass rim leads to more pleasurable purchases [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Business Research