Addressing regional challenges

This workshop has a distinct regional focus and uses a number of resources to paint a picture of the current state of play in the local region.

The current climate and corresponding changes in wine composition in recent times are examined. Trends observed from the AWRI helpdesk in the past season and trends in resource use (fuel, electricity, amount of agrochemical sprays) obtained from Entwine Sustainability benchmarking, identify areas of opportunity for the region.

The workshop will feature a viticulture session followed by a winemaking session. Each section will focus on new techniques, innovations or processes that can influence efficiencies or grape and wine quality. The audience can preselect any presentations that are most relevant to their region.

Workshop presentation slides (password protected)

Viticulture session

Each region can select two presentations from the following topics:

  • Benchmarking spray programs – how chemicals are used in your region versus other regions
  • Canopy management to optimise quality
  • Smart tools to manage vineyard variation
  • Stretching water further
  • Yield regulation – cost-benefit and the impact on quality

Winemaking session

The winemaking session will include one presentation focussing on wine analysis and one on winemaking processes. Each region can select a total of six presentations from the following topics

Wine analysis

Choose from:

  • Analysis correlation with quality?
  • AWRI laccase test
  • Brett monitoring – aroma, chemical, micro, and molecular tests (Veriflow®, Scorpion™)
  • Colour and tannin
  • pH and TA – getting it right
  • cold stability test
  • Smoke taint analysis and interpretation
  • Sugar and estimating potential alcohol
  • Update on manganese restrictions, water additions, nutrition labelling, proctase use

Winemaking processes

Choose from:

  • Avoiding stuck fermentations
  • Bulk wine transport
  • Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) tartrate inhibitor
  • Filtration impact on colour/quality
  • Flotation to clarify juice
  • New Brett treatment options
  • Optimising MLF and preventing spoilage
  • Oxygen use in winemaking
  • Reverse osmosis and techniques to remove alcohol, Brett, smoke, acetic acid, TCA
  • Sulfides and copper treatment

View Events Calendar for event dates and locations.