Seminar program (Click here to access the presentations)
- A changing environment (Jonathan Pollock BOM Melb)
- Why is harvest getting earlier and what can we do about it? (Mark Krstic, AWRI)
- Hotter and drier in the vineyard (Mark Krstic, AWRI)
- Hotter and drier – processing ripe fruit (Adrian Coulter, AWRI)
- Salinity and sodicity in the vineyard (Matt Holdstock, AWRI)
- Salty juice and wine (Matt Holdstock, AWRI)
- Bushfires and smoke taint tasting (Adrian Coulter, AWRI)
- Growing grapes in wet seasons (Mark Krstic, AWRI)
- Winemaking in wet seasons (Matt Holdstock, AWRI)
- Sustainability & efficiencies in the winery (Adrian Coulter, AWRI)
- Practical vineyard and winery group exercise (Mark Krstic)
- New varieties for a changing climate tasting (Matt Holdstock)