Archive for the ‘eBulletin’ Category

Kelly takes AWAC top honours

17 November 2010

The Australian Wine Research Institute and the Royal Adelaide Wine Show announced today that Peter Kelly, Winemaker at Peter Lehmann Wines, was awarded Dux of … more

AWRI Agrochemical Update October 2010

12 October 2010

Weather News

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, the rainfall outlook for the December quarter (October to December) favours wetter than average conditions over large … more

Follow the AWRI on Twitter

27 September 2010

In seeking better ways to communicate with you about our Advanced Wine Assessment Course, we’ve launched a new Twitter account.

We expect that people who … more

Wine Industry Locust Control Strategy

18 August 2010

This eBulletin provides an industry-endorsed recommendation for locust control. The information replaces that contained in the 29 July 2010 eBulletin.

Significant locust plagues have been … more

Get to know your closure

4 August 2010

Be part of a new international closure benchmarking trial, run by the AWRI, testing the impact of closure technologies on a premium red wine. Make … more

Australian locust plague in vineyards

29 July 2010

This agrochemical update has been issued to inform grape growers about their options for control of Australian plague locust and does not represent an endorsement … more

AWRI Agrochemical Update 29 July 2010


This agrochemical update has been issued to inform grape growers about their options for control of Australian plague locust and … more