Agrochemical Updates, eBulletin

AWRI Agrochemical Update August 2011


Dimethoate is under review by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) Chemicals Review Program. The review is based on concerns regarding the potential for unacceptable dietary exposure risks resulting from post harvest dipping of fruit and vegetables. This is not a use pattern employed by the wine grape sector. Dimethoate is still registered however the APVMA can take regulatory action including a suspension of some or all prescribed uses should it believe continued use is a risk to the community.

While the use of broad-spectrum insecticides is discouraged in wine grape production, the recommended withholding period for dimethoate remains: ‘Use no later than 80% capfall.’ It is also advised that growers contact their winery or grape purchaser prior to the application of any 1A, 1B, 2B or 3A insecticide.

New active


APVMA 61717

Delegate has been granted registration by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for control of light brown apple moth and grapevine moth in grapevines.

Delegate is a Dow AgroSciences product. It contains the active constituent spinetoram which is a Group 5 insecticide.

Resistance management strategy: Do not apply more than four Group 5 insecticides in any season.

Restriction on use for export grapes: Use no later than E-L 31 (before bunch closure).


All agricultural pest protection products sold in Australia must be registered for use by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). In most States, registered products must only be used for those approved purposes that are stated on the label. However, situations do arise whereby chemicals are needed for a use not specified on the label.

In such instances an ‘off-label’ permit may be obtained through the APVMA Permits Scheme. Such permits allow the use of chemicals legally in ways that are different to the uses specified on the product label and/or allow limited use of an unregistered chemical.

In the last season, two emergency use permits (PER12588 and PER12605) were issued by the APVMA for the control of downy mildew. Those permits lapsed on 30 April 2011 and as such, the products listed are not permitted for use in viticulture.

Reporting ‘chemical trespass’ where spray drift is suspected

If you suspect your vineyard has been subjected to spray drift, record the following information about the incident and report it to the relevant state authority. By informing your regional or national association, chemical trespass incidence can be tracked and a coordinated response can be developed where appropriate.

Before reporting a spray drift incident, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Incident date;
  • Incident location;
  • Crop symptoms;
  • Name and contact details of chemical user (if known);
  • How chemical was applied (plane, airblast sprayer);
  • Weather conditions, particularly air temperature and wind speed and direction;
  • Chemical involved; and
  • Effect from incident (risk to crops/health/environment).

As a result of a spray drift report, an investigation may be conducted. Tissue samples may be required for analysis to determine what has occurred. If there is a likelihood of contamination to fruit, residue testing may be undertaken.

For details of who to contact in your state, click on the following link:

This information is provided to inform the Australian grape and wine sector of agrochemical information, and should not be interpreted as an endorsement