Agrochemical Updates

New Products registered for use in viticulture – September 2005


APVMA: 56697
Domark 40ME fungicide has been granted registration by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for the control of Powdery Mildew on grapevines.
Domark 40ME is a Sipcam product containing the active constituent tetraconazole. Tetraconazole is a Group C (DMI) fungicide.
Restriction on use for export grapes: Use no later than 80% capfall.


APVMA: 58547
Gazelle 330 is a Sipcam product containing the active constituent pendimethalin. Pendimethalin is a Group D residual herbicide.

APVMA: 59821
Propon is an Agricrop product containing the active constituent 2,2-DPA-sodium. 2,2-DPA-sodium is a Group J systemic herbicide.

APVMA: 47333
Gallery 750 is a Dow Agrosciences product containing the active constituent isoxaben. Isoxaben is a Group K residual herbicide.

This information is provided to inform the wine industry of agrochemical product information, and should not be interpreted as an endorsement.