Agrochemical Updates

Agrochemical update August 2007

APVMA 62011

Innova Glyphosate Trimesium 480 herbicide has been registered by the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for the control of a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in vines.

Innova Glyphosate Trimesium 480 is a Syngenta product. It contains the active constituent glyphosate-trimesium (Group M).

APVMA Permit 7810 expired

Permit 7810 which allowed the use of Sumi-Alpha Flex (50g/L esfenvalerate) and Sumi-Alpha 19EC (19 g/L esfenvalerate) for the control of garden weevil on grapevines, has expired.

APVMA Permit 10127 new

Permit 10127 has been recently registered by the APVMA and allows the use of Sumi-Alpha Flex (50g/L esfenvalerate) for the control of garden weevil on grapevines.

Permits can be downloaded from the APVMA website

APVMA Permit 9938 new

Permit 9938 has been recently registered by the APVMA and allows the use of Lorsban 500 EC, Nufarm Chlorpyrifos 500 EC plus other registered products containing 500 g/L chlorpyrifos as their only active constituent, as a control against African black beetle in grapevines.

Permits can be downloaded from the APVMA website

APVMA Permit 9870 new

Permit 9870 has been recently registered by the APVMA and allows the use of Zee-Mil MZB 680 WP containing 40 g/kg metalaxyl and 640 g/kg mancozeb as its only active constituents, for the control of downy mildew on grapevines. However, this only applies to batches 20037 06010, 200306 23007, 200307 06009 and 200307 04008.

Permits can be downloaded from the APVMA website

MRL for tetraconazole

The fungicide Domark 40ME which contains the active constituent tetraconazole was registered for use against powdery mildew on grapevines by the APVMA in 2006. During the 2006/2007 season no MRL had been gazetted in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Therefore, no detectable residue of tetraconazole was allowed in Australian wine. However, an MRL of 0.5 mg/kg has now been gazetted in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and is in place for the 2007/2008 season.

This information is provided to inform the wine industry of agrochemical product information, and should not be interpreted as an endorsement.