- Technical notes published in Technical Review
- Ask the AWRI columns published in Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
- AWRI Reports published in Wine & Viticulture Journal
- Vineyards of the world columns published in Wine Industry Journal
In addition, more than 2,000 AWRI-authored papers are available to search and request below.
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10 Most Recent Publications
- Raising a glass to lowering alcohol: Insights from wine trade operators
- Ask the AWRI: YAN analysis: it's a must
- Mitigation of individual odorous bushfire smoke semi-volatile organic compounds using multi-modal air purifiers
- The role of nanoparticles in wine science: Innovations and applications
- Tannin additions decrease the concentration of malodorous volatile sulfur compounds in wine-like model solutions and wine
- Viral diversity and phloem transcriptional changes in grapevine Shiraz disease infected vines
- Insight into how fermentation might contribute to the distinctiveness of Australian coffee
- Bottle aging of smoke-affected wines: changes in smoke flavor and chemical composition
- Reducing CO2 use during tank sparkling wine production
- Ask the AWRI: Fuel for thought
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Information packs – collections of relevant references focused on a common oenology, viticulture or sustainability topic
Fact sheets – more than 100 topic-specific fact sheets
Webinar recordings – more than 90 topic-specific videos available from the AWRI’s YouTube channel
Eligible AWRI account holders can also access the following information tools and resources:
John Fornachon Memorial Library – the Library holds a collection of approximately 100,000 searchable items related to grape and wine science, with capability to loan/request items and conduct literature searches
Technical Review – an AWRI-produced online publication that features abstracts of the latest grape and wine technical literature
eBooks – a collection of wine and viticulture eBooks with a mix of technical and general interest