Technical Review No 267, February 2024

Technical Review is the AWRI’s own technical publication, which includes updates on AWRI research, development and extension and a curated selection of current grape and wine literature from around the world.

Use the Current Literature tabs below to navigate between literature categories. Articles that are available online are linked directly to publishers’ websites where you can read the full-text versions. Articles that are not available online can be requested from the AWRI library by Australian winemakers and grapegrowers who pay the Wine Grapes or Grape Research levies. Log in to browse articles that are not available in full-text online, read abstracts and use ‘Add to your cart’ to request a copy of specific articles from the AWRI Library.

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Analysis, composition and quality control



Packaging, storage and transport


Stability, hazes and deposits

Taints and faults

Winemaking practices

Analysis, composition and quality control

  • A critical review of analytical methods for the quantification of Phthalates esters in two important European food products: Olive oil and wine [Read full-text online] Molecules
  • Assessment of the volatile and non-volatile profile of Savatiano PGI wines as affected by various terroirs in Attica, Greece [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • Characterizing wine terroir using strontium isotope ratios: a review [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
  • Chemical and colorimetric study of the influence of grape soluble polysaccharides on the color and stability of malvidin 3-o-glucoside solutions [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] LWT
  • Contribution of key odorants from skins, seeds, and stems to the aroma of Chardonnay marc: A valuable coproduct of the wine industry [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Cu fractions in Shiraz and Pinot noir wines during bottle aging: rates of changes and capacity for conversion [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Current state of electrochemical sensors in wine analysis for early diagnosis [Read full-text online] TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
  • Effect of applied shading during fruit ripening on tannin structure-activity relationships of grape skin extracts [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
  • Effect of fermentation technologies on the structural composition of polymeric polyphenols in aged red wines [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
  • Effects of laccase from Botrytis cinerea on the oxidative degradation of anthocyanins [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Exploring separation patterns and mechanisms of proanthocyanidins in grape seeds and pomace with diverse molecular weights, compositions, and structures [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry: X
  • Extraction of phenolic compounds from grape pomace using ohmic heating: Chemical composition, bioactivity and bioaccessibility [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry
  • How does maturation vessel influence wine quality? A critical literature review. [O recipiente de maturação e sua influência na qualidade do vinho: revisão bibliográfica crítica.] [Read full-text online] Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola
  • Identification and quantification of resolubilised polyphenols from fining precipitation [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Metabolic and molecular rearrangements of Sauvignon Blanc (Vitis vinifera L.) berries in response to foliar applications of specific dry yeast [Read full-text online] Plants
  • NMR-based studies on odorant polymer interactions and the influence on the aroma perception of red wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Practical assay for determining residual sulfite of the wine in rapid detection or quantitative analysis [Read full-text online] LWT
  • Red wine fermentation alters grape seed morphology and internal porosity [Read full-text online] American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Study of lignans in wine originating from different types of oak barrels [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Total soluble solids in grape must estimation using VIS-NIR-SWIR reflectance measured in fresh berries [Read full-text online] Agronomy
  • Understanding the effect of barrel-to-barrel variation on the colour and phenolic composition of a red wine [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Volatile compound release from oak chips in model wine media: Combined influence of toasting degree, size, time of contact, and ethanol content [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry
  • Winemaking: The winery lab reimagined [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly


  • Boost wine industry productivity, premiumisation and sustainability by reforming producer levies [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker


  • Agaricus bisporus chitosan influences the concentrations of caftaric acid and furan-derived compounds in Pinot noir juice and base wine [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Applications of genome editing in yeast with an example of Tup1 mutants construction [Read full-text online] BIO Web of Conferences
  • Biological acidification of “Vino Santo di Gambellara” by mixed fermentation of L. thermotolerans and S. cerevisiae. Role of nitrogen in the evolution of fermentation and aroma profile [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Bordeaux red wines display variable intrinsic ability to support Brettanomyces bruxellensis growth [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Control
  • Car1 as a new selective marker for genetic engineering of wine yeasts [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Microbiological Methods
  • Comparative metabolic profiling of Cabernet Sauvignon wines reveals the potential of different Wickerhamomyces anomalus co-fermented with commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] LWT
  • Comparative study of inoculation strategies of Torulaspora delbrueckii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the performance of alcoholic and malolactic fermentations in an optimized synthetic grape must [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] International Journal of Food Microbiology
  • Ethyl carbamate in fermented food products: Sources of appearance, hazards and methods for reducing its content [Read full-text online] Foods
  • From bioprotective effects to diversification of wine aroma: Expanding the knowledge on metschnikowia pulcherrima oenological potential [Read full-text online] Food Research International
  • How yeast producers are combining bioprospecting and selective breeding programs to develop the next generation of non-GM wine yeasts. [Cómo los productores de levaduras están combinando la bioprospección y los programas de cruzamiento selectivo para desarrollar la próxima generación de levaduras vínicas no modificadas genéticamente.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Enólogos
  • Improving the aging aroma profiles of Italian Riesling and Petit Verdot Wines: Impact of spontaneous and inoculated fermentation processes [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry: X
  • Influence of an indigenous yeast, CECA, from the Ningxia wine region of China, on the yeast community dynamics and aroma of Cabernet Sauvignon wines [Read full-text online] LWT
  • Influence of nitrogen status on fermentation performances of non-saccharomyces yeasts: A review [Read full-text online] Food Science and Human Wellness
  • Influence of spontaneous, “pied de cuve” and commercial dry yeast fermentation strategies on wine molecular composition and sensory properties [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • Mechanisms and effects of non-Saccharomyces yeast fermentation on the aromatic profile of wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
  • Metatranscriptomic analyses of grapes reveal differences in expressed functional genes of filamentous and yeast fungi during noble rot and grey rot [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Fungal Ecology
  • Mixed biofilm formation by Oenococcus oeni and Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A new strategy for the wine fermentation process [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Microbiology
  • Must protection, sulfites versus bioprotection: A metabolomic study [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • The effect of yeast inoculation methods on the metabolite composition of Sauvignon blanc wines [Read full-text online] Fermentation
  • “White musts with a strong deficiency in assimilable nitrogen: The effects of the input of nitrogen-containing nutrients on the course of fermentation and the aromatic composition of wines. [Moûts blancs fortement carencés en azote assimilable : Effets d’apports de nutriments azotés sur le déroulement de la fermentation et la composition aromatique des vins.]” [Read full-text online] Revue Française d’Œnologie
  • Yeast derivatives: A promising alternative for white wine oxidation prevention [Read full-text online] New Zealand Winegrower

Packaging, storage and transport

  • An alternative to traditional oak: Polymer vessel matches oak performance in oxygen transmission rates [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Losses of methionol in PET-packed rosé wine in presence of SO2: Comparison between oxidation and scalping via uncertainty analysis [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Packaging and Shelf Life
  • Occurrence and release of organophosphite antioxidants and novel organophosphate esters from plastic food packaging [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Sales & Marketing: Single-serve wine-in-tubes brings tasting room pours to the consumer’s home [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly


  • A taste of Spain: Images of Rioja wine in Britain and America (1890-1960) [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Global Food History
  • Arabinogalactan proteins and polysaccharides compete directly with condensed tannins for saliva proteins influencing astringency perception of Cabernet Sauvignon wines [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry
  • Aromatic ripeness may be the type of maturity that impacts red wine typicity the most. Part I: The aromas involved in aromatic ripeness [Read full-text online] IVES Technical Reviews: Wine & Vine
  • Aromatic ripeness may be the type of maturity that impacts red wine typicity the most. Part II: Terroir factors and management practices affecting aromatic ripeness [Read full-text online] IVES Technical Reviews: Wine & Vine
  • Australian red wines made from non-traditional, emerging red grape varieties: Distinguishing sensory profiles and consumer perceptions [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Development of a Hierarchical Rate-All-That-Apply (HRATA) methodology for the aromatic characterisation of wine [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Development of tannins and methoxypyrazines in grape skins, seeds, and stems of two Pinot noir clones during ripening [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Discriminant analysis of volatile compounds in wines obtained from different managements of vineyards obtained by e-nose [Read full-text online] Smart Agricultural Technology
  • Identification of a bitter peptide contributing to the off-flavor attributes of pea protein isolates [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Impact of climate change on altered fruit quality with organoleptic, health benefit, and nutritional attributes [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Innovations in sparkling wine production: A review on the sensory aspects and the consumer’s point of view [Read full-text online] Beverages
  • Perception of Brazilian wine consumer about canned wine. [Percepção do consumidor brasileiro de vinho em relação ao vinho em lata.] [Read full-text online] Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola
  • pH dominates the temporal perception of astringency sub-qualities and saliva friction response – A study under iso-pH and iso-titratable acidity conditions in model wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Hydrocolloids
  • Sweet taste receptors and associated sweet peptides: Insights into structure and function [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry
  • The potential of β-glucosidases for aroma and flavor improvement in the food industry [Read full-text online] The Microbe
  • Thiols in red wines, an innovative yeast selection to optimize their expression. [Thiols dans les vins rouge, une sélection de levure innovante pour optimiser leur expression.] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Revue des Oenologues
  • Understanding the relationship between tropical fruit aroma, acceptance, and emotional response in Chardonnay wines [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • Varietal thiols levels and sensory effects in South African Colombard wines. [Read full-text online] OENO One

Stability, hazes and deposits

  • Interactions between Starmerella bacillaris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae during sequential fermentations influence the release of yeast mannoproteins and impact the protein stability of an unstable wine [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry
  • The protective effect of cyclodextrin on the color quality and stability of Cabernet Sauvignon red wine [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Integrative Agriculture

Taints and faults

Winemaking practices

  • Adjusting the pomace ratio during red wine fermentation: Effects of adding white grape pomace and juice runoff on wine flavoromics and sensory qualities [Read full-text online] Food Chemistry: X
  • Alternatives to stainless steel fermentation vessels: a small batch trial comparison [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Amphora wines: Ancient and modern [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Decanter
  • Comparison of volatile compounds during biological ageing and commercial storage of Cava (Spanish sparkling wine): The role of lees [Read full-text online] Heliyon
  • Dosing oxygen from the early stages of white winemaking: Effect on oxidation–reduction potential, browning stability, volatile composition, and sensory properties [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Chemistry
  • Leaching and evolution of anthocyanins and aroma compounds during Cabernet Sauvignon wine fermentation with whole-process skin-seed contact [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Chemistry
  • Maturation recap – Have the options improved? [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Temperature and cap management effects on the chemical, phenolic, and chromatic composition of Pinot noir wines from the central coast of California [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] American Journal of Enology and Vititculture
  • Use of unripe grape wine as a tool for reducing alcohol content and improving the quality and oenological characteristics of red wines. [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • What can flotation do? Implementation and must treatment before flotation. [Was kann die Flotation leisten? Durchführung und Mostbehandlung vor der Flotation.] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Das Deutsche Weinmagazin
  • Improving the flow of efficiency: Considerations for the best pump options for winery operations [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker


  • Adaptation to climate change in the UK wine sector [Read full-text online] Climate Risk Management
  • Carbon allotropes in carbon dioxide capturing [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Carbon allotropes and composites
  • Winemaking: Carbon emission reduction strategies for wineries and vineyards [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Consumer engagement with sustainable wine: An application of the transtheoretical model [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Food Research International
  • Green human resource management and economic, social and environmental performance: Evidence from the Spanish wine industry [Read full-text online] Heliyon
  • Innovation and value creation in agriculture: Results of an experimental analysis of the use of sensors on Sicilian vineyards of Chardonnay cultivars [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Smart Agricultural Technology
  • Is sustainability governance abetting inequality? Reflections from the South African wine value chain [Read full-text online] Geoforum
  • Mitigation and carbon neutrality: New goals for industry defined at ASVO CO23 Climate Mitigation Conference [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Precision agriculture and competitive advantage: Economic efficiency of the mechanized harvesting of Chardonnay and Nero d’avola grapes [Read full-text online] Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
  • Voyager Estate releases sustainability report [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker



Climate and weather


Grapevine nutrition

Grapevine varieties

Pests, diseases and virus


Soil management

Vineyard practices

Water and irrgation


Climate and weather

  • Assessment of climate impact on grape productivity: A new application for bioclimatic indices in Italy [Read full-text online] Science of The Total Environment
  • Climate change and extreme weather events. [Extremwetter: Auswirkungen der Klimakrise.] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Das Deutsche Weinmagazin
  • Climate change impacts on vineyards in warm and dry areas: Challenges and opportunities [Read full-text online] American Journal of Enology and Vititculture
  • Effects of global warming on grapevine berries phenolic compounds – A review [Read full-text online] Agronomy
  • Frost – causes and mitigation strategies for established vineyards [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Grapes, wines, and changing times: a bibliometric analysis of climate change influence [Read full-text online] Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  • How does a variable and changing climate impact budburst timing of winegrapes? [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Study of the climate around Jerez (III). Historical climate data and projections of future evolution. [Estudio del clima del Marco de Jerez (III). Datos climáticos históricos y proyecciones de evolución futura.] [Read full-text online] Enólogos
  • Temperature variation linked to trellis height: An opportunity for adaptation to climate change? [Read full-text online] IVES Technical Reviews: Wine & Vine
  • Viticulture trial: Overhead shade films for extreme heat protection [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Winegrowers facing severe drought. [Des vignerons en butte à une rude sécheresse.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne


  • A defining conversation for Australian wine [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australia’s Wine Business Magazine
  • Crossing the line [Request copy from AWRI Library] Halliday Wine Companion
  • Effects of biodynamic preparations 500 and 501 on vine and berry physiology, pedology and the soil microbiome [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Underpinning terroir with data: Integrating vineyard performance metrics with soil and climate data to better understand within-region variation in Marlborough, New Zealand [Read full-text online] Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research

Grapevine nutrition

  • Effects of different potassium fertilization rates on the vines and the vineyard soil in a long-term field trial. [Langzeitfreilandversuch zu den Effekten unterschiedlicher Kaliumdüngungsmengen auf die Reben und den Weingartenboden.] [Read full-text online] Mitteilungen Klosterneuberg Rebe und Wein , Obstau und Früchteverwertung
  • Effects of the annual nitrogen fertilization rate on vine performance and grape quality for winemaking: insights from a meta-analysis [Read full-text online] Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  • Grape growing: Leaf area management affects grape nitrogen content [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Potassium deficiencies in leaves and other nutrient problems are more obvious in dry years. [Welche Nährstoffmängel zeigen sich Blättern? Nährstoffmängel zeigen sich verstärkt in trockenen Jahren.] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Das Deutsche Weinmagazin
  • Smarter grapevine nutrition in a time of spiralling costs [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker

Grapevine varieties

Pest, diseases and virus

  • Advances in grapevine viral disease detection – Use of optical imaging technology for virus surveillance in vineyards [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Aerial spraying of vineyards – why you never say never [Request copy from AWRI Library] Wine & Viticulture Journal
  • Biotechnological and biocontrol approaches for mitigating postharvest diseases caused by fungal pathogens and their mycotoxins in fruits: A review [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Eco vines for eco vineyards: problems with supply of eco planting material. [Es gibt viel zu tun: Ökologisch erzeugtes Rebenpflanzmaterial für den ökologischen Weinbau.] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Das Deutsche Weinmagazin
  • Fighting Downy mildew: Successful campaigns – A good winegrower sources expert advice. [Mildiou: Plaquage réussi – Un Vigneron bien entouré.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Fighting Downy mildew: Successful campaigns – Organic viticulture: Copper in all its forms. [Mildiou: Plaquage réussi – En bio: Le cuivre sous toutes se formes.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Fighting Downy mildew: Successful campaigns – Resistant grapevine varieties survive the shock. [Mildiou: Plaquage réussi – Cépages résistants: Ils on tenu le choc.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Fighting Downy mildew: Successful campaigns. Terrain-proof tarps and nets. [Mildiou: Plaquage réussi. Bâches et filets à l’épreuve du terrain.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Fighting Downy mildew: Successful campaigns. The year of Zorvec. [Mildiou: Plaquage réussi. L’année du Zorvec.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Fighting Downy mildew: Successful campaigns. Unconventional measures. [Mildiou: Plaquage réussi. Enconventionnel: Ils ont pris les grands moyens.] [Request copy from AWRI Library] La Vigne
  • Foliar applications to vines of methyl jasmonate and nanoparticles doped with methyl jasmonate: impact on grape and wine polysaccharide composition. [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Fungicide-saving potential and economic advantages of fungus-resistant grapevine cultivars [Read full-text online] Plants
  • Grapegrowing: Nursery production and vineyard planting: Observations from the 2022 season [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Grapegrowing: The bleeding edge: Bots and rots [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • The latest research on grapevine virology [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • The many risk factors for berry rot in problem seasons. [Fäulnisproblematik 2023 – ein Rückblick. Die potentiellen Voraussetzungen wurden 2023 schon früh gesetzt.] [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Das Deutsche Weinmagazin
  • Using a camera system for the in-situ assessment of cordon dieback due to grapevine trunk diseases [Read full-text online] Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  • Winery on-site assessment of grapevine bunch rot: In pursuit of sustainable practices [Read full-text online] South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture


  • Comparative effects of drought stress on leaf gas exchange, foliar ABA and leaf orientation in four grapevine cultivars grown in Northern Italy [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Physiologia Plantarum
  • Using grapevine water status measurements for irrigation scheduling of table grapes – A review [Read full-text online] South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Variability in stomatal adaptation to drought among grapevine cultivars: Genotype-dependent responses [Read full-text online] Agriculture

Soil management

Vineyard practices

  • Advancements in smart farming: A comprehensive review of IoT, wireless communication, sensors, and hardware for agricultural automation [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
  • Are unmanned aerial vehicle-based hyperspectral imaging and machine learning advancing crop science? [Read full-text online] Trends in Plant Science
  • Canopy management through crop forcing impacts grapevine cv. ‘Touriga Nacional’ performance, ripening and berry metabolomics profile [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Effect of pre-flowering gibberellic acid applications on tartaric acid content in grape berries [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Scientia Horticulturae
  • Effect of supplementary light with different wavelengths on Anthocyanin composition, sugar accumulation and volatile compound profiles of grapes [Read full-text online] Foods
  • Grape growing: Vineyard management software: New technologies encourage better business and vineyard decisions [Read full-text online] Wine Business Monthly
  • Impact of cluster thinning and harvest date on berry volatile composition and sensory profile of Vitis sp. Seyval Blanc and Vandal-Cliché [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Influence of Scott Henry and four-cane vertical shoot positioning training systems and crop load on whole-vine gas exchange of Vitis vinifera L. Sauvignon blanc [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] American Journal of Enology and Vititculture
  • Management of vineyards after fire damage: Part 1 – timing of trunk replacement [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Management of vineyards after fire damage: Part 2 – pruning method for optimal recovery [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Management of vineyards after fire damage: Part 3 – economic observations and modelling [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker
  • Nanoparticles doped with methyl jasmonate: Foliar application to Monastrell vines under two watering regimes. An alternative to improve grape volatile composition? [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
  • Removal of pruned vine biomass (PVB) from vineyards – Examining the impact of not incorporating PVB into vineyard soils [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Research note: Spur pruning leaving one bud is an interesting viticultural strategy to control bud acrotony in Bolivian vineyards [Read full-text online] South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • Resting vineyard trial update [Request copy from AWRI Library] Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker

Water and irrgation

  • Agronomic responses of grapevines to an irrigation scheduling approach based on continuous monitoring of soil water content [Read full-text online] Agronomy
  • Benchmarking water-limited yield potential and yield gaps of Shiraz in the Barossa and Eden Valleys [Read full-text online] Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  • Combined effect of crop forcing and reduced irrigation as techniques to delay the ripening and improve the quality of cv. Tempranillo (vitis vinifera L.) berries in semi-arid climate conditions [Read full-text online] Agricultural Water Management
  • Comparing nadir and oblique thermal imagery in UAV-Based 3D crop water stress index applications for precision viticulture with LiDAR validation [Read full-text online] Sensors
  • Estimating soil and grapevine water status using ground based hyperspectral imaging under diffused lighting conditions: Addressing the effect of lighting variability in vineyards [Read abstract online] [Request copy from AWRI Library] Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
  • Influence of non-irrigation and seasonality on wine colour, phenolic composition and sensory quality of a grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Callet) in a Mediterranean climate [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Observation of shoot growth: a simple and operational decision-making tool for monitoring vine water status in the vineyard [Read full-text online] OENO One
  • Review of plant-based methods for assessing vine water status [Read full-text online] IVES Technical Reviews: Wine & Vine